Getting started
Silicon template you are currently viewing is a Static HTML (Bootstrap 5) Temaplate, NOT a WordPress Theme!
Please DO NOT try to install Silicon files into WordPress this will not work. If you need a WordPress version of Silicon do not hesitate to contact us via email [email protected].
Make sure you are familiar with the following technologies before purchasing Silicon HTML (Bootstrap 5) Template:
- HTML / CSS / JS (required)
- Bootstrap 5 (required)
- Sass / Scss (highly recommended). It's much easier to customize the template using Scss variables than find and replace code in CSS file.
- Npm (optional)*. Npm is a package manager for Node. With Npm you can manage (install, update, delete) your project dependencies much easier. It also offers a powerful feature called "Npm scripts". Scripts help with performing repetitive tasks like minification, compilation, unit testing, linting, etc.
* All the configuration files like package.json
are included in the download package. The list of all configuration files and their purpose you will find in the corresponding article Configuration files
Next steps
There are 2 ways of customizing Silicon template:
- Using Pro Front-end Setup (highly recommended)
- Editing CSS directly or using VS Code plugin Live Sass Compiler to compile Scss